Terms of Agreement
Please call our office if you have any questions or concerns regarding this agreement.
- All checks and/or payment for labor must be made payable to DuPage Home Service. Any payment for labor made directly to a craftsman, voids all guarantees / warranties associated with this agreement and may subject customer to additional charges.
- The craftsman doing this work is not authorized to make and representations of agreements other than those set forth herein writing and any such representations by the craftsman are hereby disclaimed by DuPage Home Service (the “Company”). All labor proposals are valid for thirty (30) days. If the craftsman terminates his association with DuPage Home Services or becomes unavailable before work has started (beyond material purchase), either the customer or DuPage Home Services may cancel the contract. Or, if the customer wishes to have the work accomplished, DuPage Home Services will provide an equally qualified craftsman, who will develop his own proposal, price and schedule.
- All amendments to scope of work on this contract shall be in writing, dated and signed by the craftsman and the customer. The customer agrees to pay for all work performed on the jobsite on their behalf.